20.september -7. oktober 2007 presenterte Rakett arkivet Curating degree Zero i Bergen. Arkivet ble visst i en ombygd varebil fra posten, på ulike steder i Bergen. (følg denne linken for bilder og tekst fra de ulike stedene) http://www.rakett.biz/cdza/previous.htm  Arbeidet mitt er et forsøk på å katalogisere det omfattende materialet i arkivet. for mer informasjon om Rakett og Curating Degree Zero se på deres respektive hjemmesider.

For all the wrong reasons by Øyvind Pål Farstad

FAMILY FRIENDLY - TEEN CONTENT - ADULT CONTENT, these three categories have been ripped from the independent American system of label computer games (TIGRS), The Independent Game Rating System. This system slots games into one of three categories: Family Friendly, Teen Content, and Adult Content.
Will it be possible to catalogue the Curate Degree Zero Archive in these, both narrow and wide categories? Art projects as other cultural activities, has to fight for publicity in the media, and often get “unwanted” publicity because of “shock” content, like sexual content, outrageous behaviour, or violence in bizarre forms. Is it possible to make the archive look more sexy, dangerous and tempting for the visitors, even though it is for all the wrong reasons?

The actual process of going through the archive, and label all the different titles will go on the whole exhibition period. In some cases the visitors will be invited to take part in this process.

